Nickey Gregory Company’s top priority is the health, safety and welfare of our employees, customers and communities. As the coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak continues to evolve, we would like to address the steps Nickey Gregory Company is taking to keep people safe and healthy and protect the integrity of the supply chain.
Nickey Gregory Company is closely monitoring the CDC, WHO and state and local public health department websites for information on the status of the coronavirus and provide guidance internally on a regular basis.
Below are a few of the steps that have been implemented that allows Nickey Gregory Company to continue to provide our customers with the freshest and safest product available:
- Continuously reinforcing our standard health protocols and posted additional reminders for our employees to be diligent about proper hand hygiene and good respiratory hygiene
- Provided access to additional hand sanitation stations inside and outside of the facility
- Increased our cleaning schedules for shared spaces and commonly touched places
- Commitment to fulfill all customer orders is a top priority
- Communicated our illness policy that requires employees not report to work if they are not feeling well
- Developed a contingency and business continuity plan which addresses how the business will continue even if a significant number of employees are unable to work.
- No visitors are allowed in any of the Nickey Gregory Company facilities, including drivers. This includes no public access to the restrooms, breakrooms, etc.
According to the CDC and WHO, coronaviruses are transmitted from person-to-person and there is currently no evidence to support the transmission of COVID-19 associated with food.
Nickey Gregory Company is committed to provide our customers with the same top-rated service on which our company was built on 20 years ago.